Jardin Botanique Val Rameh

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The Jardin Botanique Val Rameh is a publicly accessible park in Menton on the Côte d'Azur , which is particularly climatically preferred due to its geographical location.

The complex was originally laid out as an agricultural property by the noble Monléon family from Menton. This family left their initials on the old gate from 1875. In 1905 the site was acquired by Lord Radcliff, former Governor of Malta and his wife Rahmeh, and the building was expanded.

In 1957 the property was purchased by Miss Maybud Campbell (1900–1982). She enlarged the garden by acquiring a neighboring garden, which is now connected to the first by a footbridge. Today's design is largely based on them.

On March 3, 1966, she sold Val Rameh to the French state, which gave it to the Ministry of Education and Schools. In 1967 the garden was opened to the public. Today the perfectly manicured garden is a branch of the Natural History Museum of France .

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Coordinates: 43 ° 47 ′ 5 ″  N , 7 ° 30 ′ 40 ″  E