Jerzy Myszor

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Jerzy Myszor

Jerzy Myszor (* 1950 in Chełm Śląski , Poland ) is a Polish church historian and Catholic priest.

Myszor received his doctorate in church history in Warsaw (1988) and has been a professor at the Silesian University of Katowice since 2001 . The main areas of his research are church history in the 19th and 20th centuries, the history of the Catholic Church in Germany and Poland and, more recently, that of the Catholic Church in the Eastern Bloc countries. He deals specifically with communist crimes in Poland from 1944–1989.

Publications (selection)

  • Duszpasterstwo parafialne na Górnym Śląsku w latach 1821–1914 , Katowice 1991.
  • Stosunki Kościół - państwo okupacyjne w diecezji katowickiej 1939 ›‹ 1945 , Kattowitz 1992.
  • Leksykon duchowieństwareprjonowanego w PRL 1945-1989 . Ed. Of ... Vol. 1–3, Warsaw 2001–2006.
  • as ed. with Gregor Ploch and Christine Kucinski: The ethnic-national identity of the inhabitants of Upper Silesia. Münster 2008.