Jimmy Stepanoff

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Jimmy Stepanoff , alias Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Unterreiner , (born February 15, 1959 in Žitište ) is a German painter, comic artist and author.

Stepanoff moved to Munich in the late 1970s.

Works (selection)

  • Behind the dark , Ed. Painting Century Box, Munich, 2000.
  • The Nibelungs: the secret kingdom , biodiversity publication, Munich, 2001.
  • The Nibelungs: Siegfrieds Jugend , 1, Caminando-Verlag, Munich, 2009.

Filmography (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Andrea Weber: Mystery play of light and color . In: Merkur.de . May 7, 2010. Retrieved July 10, 2016.
  2. http://www.jimmystepanoff.de/stepanoff_contact.htm
  3. http://usus.org.rs/clanovi-2/90-stepanof-dzimi
  4. "Nibelungen: The Secret Kingdom" , Nibelungenlied Gesellschaft, 2002.
  5. Wolfschlag, Claus-M. "Hagen in the noble comic: Jimmy Stepanoff redesigned the Nibelungenlied" , Junge Freiheit , June 28, 2002
  6. The Neverending Story: Storyboard, Production Painting and Costume drawing

Web links