Johann Friedrich Lahmeyer

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Johann Friedrich Lahmeyer (also: Johannes Lahmeyer ; * 1770/71; † May 22, 1850) was a German music teacher and organist from Hanover.


At the time of the Electorate of Hanover , Johann Friedrich Lahmeyer attended the Neustädter School in the Calenberger Neustadt near Hanover . He later worked as an organist at the Aegidienkirche in Hanover. At Pentecost in 1800 he took the third position of a teacher at the Neustädter Schule, where he taught the local "seminarians" singing as well as piano and organ playing.

In 1827 his son Gustav Lahmeyer was born. In 1845 Lahmeyer lived at Bäckerstraße 163 in Calenberger Neustadt when his son Friedrich Ludwig Lahmeyer was born on October 5th of that year.


  • Handbook of harmony or instruction on the theory of music. Initially intended for self-tuition for seminarians and budding organ players , by JF Lahmeyer. 160 pages, Hanover 1823.
  • Twelve school songs with accompaniment of the pianoforte. 1st booklet / in music set by JF Lahmeyer. 24 pages, Nagel, Hanover [circa 1825].

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Johann Christoph Salfeld : History of the Royal School Teacher Seminarii and its Frey School in Hanover . Schlüter, Hannover 1800, p. 113 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  2. Rudolf Smend : Critics and Exegetes. Portrait sketches on four centuries of Old Testament science , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017, ISBN 978-3-525-53142-6 and ISBN 3-525-53142-7 , p. 344; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. ^ Address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover , 1845, p. 120 ( digitized version ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library .
  4. Reinhard Glaß: Lahmeyer, Friedrich Ludwig in the database architects and artists with direct reference to Conrad Wilhelm Hase (1818–1902) , last accessed on July 2, 2018.