Jonen (disambiguation)

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Jonen stands for:

  • Jonen , municipality in the Bremgarten district of the Swiss canton of Aargau
  • Jonen , or Jonenbach , Bach in the Swiss cantons of Zurich and Aargau

Jonen is the family name of the following people:

  • Alfons Jonen , German musician and singer (tenor), lecturer for singing and Gregorian chant, founding member of the Brahms Vocal Quartet in Bonn
  • Hans Jonen (pseudonym: John Hansen; 1892–1958), German writer
  • Heinrich Jonen (1901–1960), German film producer
  • Hildegard Jonen , German oratorio and lieder singer (alto), founding member of the Brahms Vocal Quartet in Bonn

See also: