Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state

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The Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of state is used for the fully reacted state of explosives .

It is with = density of the explosive and = density of the detonation products. The parameters , , , and are tabular works can be seen (see Fig. Dobratz et al.). There you will also find information about the initial density , detonation speed , Chapman-Jouguet pressure and the chemical energy contained in the explosive required for the selected explosive . The JWL equation of state can be easily adapted to test results and is determined by a sum at constant energy, i.e. H. the isentropic is the basis for the equation of state. The isentropic is a first approximation of the equation of state at low pressures.

Examples of parameters of the JWL equation of state


 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Composition B

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
