José Cascante

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José Cascante ( Joseph Cascante , José de Cascante , * around 1640 in Bogotá (?); † November or December 1702 there ) was a Colombian composer.


José Cascante was the most important representative of 17th century baroque music in Bogotá. From around 1650 until his death he was the music director of the city's cathedral and determined its music scene under the archbishops Antonio Sanz Lozano and Ignacio De Urbina .

In 1693, at the request of Cascantes, a large organ was installed in the cathedral. His last public appearance took place in early October 1702 on the occasion of Francisco De Berganso's introduction as organist. His successor as Kapellmeister was Juan de Herrera .

Only about twenty works by Cascante have survived, twelve of which - including a funeral mass and a Salve Regina in Latin - are in the archives of the Cathedral of Bogotá. In addition to liturgical works, he composed popular sacred music that incorporated elements of Colombian folk music.


  • Villancico al nacimiento
  • Villancico a Santa Bárbara
  • Letra al Nacimiento
  • Sabbato Sancto ad Vesperas
  • Solo a Nuestra Señora de la Soledad
  • Salve Regina