Josef Zentner

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Josef Zentner (born January 5, 1952 in Uttenweiler , Biberach district) is a German neurosurgeon with special expertise in the surgical treatment of epilepsy .


Zentner studied medicine in Tübingen until 1978, receiving his doctorate in 1979. He began his specialist training in 1978–1979 at the Institute for Brain Research at the University of Tübingen and 1979–80 at the Neurological University Clinic in Frankfurt. He then worked from 1981 to 1986, with an interruption from 1982 to 1983, through military service and work in the neurosurgery department of the Bundeswehr Hospital in Ulm at the Neurosurgical University Clinic in Freiburg. After becoming a specialist, Zentner was first assistant and then senior physician at the Neurosurgical University Clinic in Tübingen from 1987 to 1990, where he completed his habilitation in 1989. In 1990 a study visit to the USA and Canada followed.

From 1991 to 1997 he was the senior physician in charge and deputy of the medical director at the Neurosurgical University Clinic Bonn ( Johannes Schramm ). In 1994 he was appointed university professor C3, in 1997 he turned down an offer for a C4 professorship in Marburg.

Since 1997 he has been full professor of neurosurgery and director of the neurosurgery clinic at the Freiburg University Medical Center.

Zentner is married and his main hobbies are music and philosophy.

He was u. a. from 2003 to 2005 chairman of the German section of the ILAE (since 2004: German Society for Epileptology ).


In addition to epilepsy surgery, skull base surgery, neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring and the development of computer-aided surgical techniques are further focuses of the clinical and scientific work of Zentner. He is (co-) author of almost 250 original articles in professional journals and around 125 articles in textbooks and conference proceedings. He has also written two monographs on neuroanatomy with Wolfgang Seeger.

Individual evidence

  1. Seeger W, Zentner J. Neuronavigation and Neuroanatomy. Vienna - New York, Springer 2002
  2. Seeger W, Zentner J. Anatomical Basis of Cranial Neurosurgery. Heidelberg, Springer, 2017