Journal du Jeudi

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Journal du Jeudi

description Satirical weekly newspaper
publishing company Dromedaire Sarl
First edition 1991
Frequency of publication weekly
Editor-in-chief Boubacar Diallo
editor Boubacar Diallo
Web link Website of the Journal du Jeudi

The Journal du Jeudi - usually called JJ for short - is a satirical weekly newspaper from Burkina Faso . It has been published every Thursday in Ouagadougou since August 1991 .

The Journal du Jeudi is one of the most important and well-known independent press products in Burkina Faso. As a satirical magazine, JJ benefits from a certain freedom from fools , which it knew how to skillfully use in politically delicate situations, such as the story of the murder of Norbert Zongo in 1998.

Editorial line

Independent and critical of the regime with the aim of making a contribution to the democratic culture of Burkina Faso - this is how the editorial line can be summed up in a few words. The main focus is on national and international political and economic issues.

The focus of the international contributions is on the relations between the West African states , the political intrigues of their presidents, the evil machinations of West African warlords like a Foday Sankoh or a Charles Taylor as well as the relationships that these two groups of people maintain with one another.

The JJ also regularly ventures into Burkinabe local politics, brings minor scandals to light and gives the simple, poor and uneducated man from the street a voice in a column (“moi, Goama”).

The Journal du Jeudi, however, is denied any major investigative research due to its modest means. The Journal du Jeudi currently employs around 15 people.

Footnotes and sources

  1. ISSN  0796-5044
  2. ↑ Brief portrait of the Journal du Jeudi on its website