Julia Deck

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Julia Deck (* 1974 in Paris , France ) is a French author .


Deck is the daughter of a French sculptor and a British translator. She attended the Lycée Henri IV in her hometown before studying literature at the Sorbonne in Paris . Her thesis in 1991 dealt with the novel The Princess of Clèves by Marie-Madeleine de La Fayette, published anonymously in 1678 .

In 1998, Deck went to New York for a year, doing odd jobs in publishing. In the following years she was responsible for communication and public relations, among other things. She has been writing as a freelancer since 2005 and published her first novel in 2012, which was published in German the following year and attracted attention in both France and Germany.

Prizes and awards

  • 2013: Prix ​​du premier roman de l'université d'Artois for Viviane Élisabeth Fauville .
  • 2013: Shortlist of the German hotlist for the same novel.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Another beautiful troublemaker. In: FAZ . May 3, 2016, p. 10.