Jun Hong Lu

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Jun Hong Lu (born August 8, 1959 in Shanghai ) is President and Director of the radio station "2OR Australia Oriental Radio", Chairman of the Australian-Chinese Institute for Buddhism and Vice-President of the Australian-Chinese Association of Chinese Origin. In September 2012, Jun Hong Lu gave a speech at Harvard University on spreading Chinese culture and Buddhism. As a result, he gained particular attention from the Western media and academia in North America.


In November 2007, Jun Hong Lu founded the first Chinese-language radio station in Australia. In July 2009 a contractual cooperation with the Chinese radio station "China National Radio" (CNR) was established. The various programs such as “Buddhism in Simple Words”, “Questions and Answers” ​​and “Metaphysical Questions” developed over the radio with the aim of spreading Buddhism.

Works and publications

Jun Hong Lu published more than 20 works. The introduction is already available in several languages ​​(English, German, Spanish, etc.). All of his works are freely available.

  • "Buddhism in Simple Words" series
  • "Life, Fate and Fengshui"
  • "Heaven and Earth"
  • "Totem Analysis"
  • "A discourse about the disease"
  • "New Perspective on Dharma"

Awards and honors

  • "World Peace Prize" (Buddhism), awarded by the Congress of World Religions in July 2012
  • British Community Honors Award given by the House of Lords on October 1, 2012
  • “Peace Education Ambassador” received from UN headquarters on March 24, 2014
  • “World Ambassador for Peace”, awarded at the summit of the US Congress on March 26, 2014
  • Honorary Guest Professor of the University of Siena (Italy), awarded on April 2, 2014
  • Invitation from the President of the UN General Assembly to take part in the “UN Summit on Peace Culture” in September 2015 at the UN headquarters.

Religious views

In an interview with Radio France Internationale (RFI), Jun Hong Lu explained that life is at the center of all Dharma teachings . It's about finding yourself and creating a world in harmony. One should live in harmony with the world deep in one's heart, so Jun Hong Lu respects all Dharma teachings. Regardless of the direction of Dharma teaching, the same goal is always pursued. This is an important point for him.

“Chinese people living in Sydney know how not to consume meat on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, how to go to a temple on special holidays and collect merit. There are also many different styles of Dharma in Sydney. All have the goal to promote and spread Buddhism and to unite the hearts of all. It is therefore a good development for the Chinese living abroad to learn Buddhism and to live according to Buddhism. This is also a factor in spreading more peace in the world. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jun Hong Lu at Harvard University .
  2. ^ Top radio program "The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics" .
  3. Books by Master Lu .
  4. World Peace Prize ”(Buddhism) . Accessed in 2012.
  5. ^ "British Community Honors Award" -Jun Hong Lu . Accessed in 2012.
  6. ^ Ambassadors for Peace Education . Archived from the original on August 15, 2017. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Accessed in 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.xanews.com.cn
  7. World Ambassador of Peace . Retrieved February 17, 2016.
  8. Master Lu at Harvard University . Guan Yin Citta. Retrieved February 17, 2016.
  9. ^ World Peace Ambassado Award in the US Congress .
  10. Interview with Master Lu . Accessed in 2012.