Justus Wesseler

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Justus Wesseler (born March 25, 1963 ) is a German agricultural economist and professor for Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy at Wageningen University .


Justus Wesseler received his PhD in agricultural sciences in 1996, with a focus on economics in agricultural, environmental and natural resources at the University of Göttingen. The dissertation dealt with the topic "The Economics of Introducing Fruit Trees into the Highlands of Northern Luzon, Philippines". In 2000, Wesseler was appointed Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. In 2005 he was promoted to associate professor status. In 2010, Wesseler completed a two-month sabbatical at LICOS, Center for Institutions and Economic Performance, at the University of Leuven in Belgium.

In 2011 he was appointed Professor of Agriculture and Food Economics at the Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan at the Technical University of Munich . In 2013 he accepted a position at Wageningen University and has headed the Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy group since January 1, 2014.

Scientific contributions

Justus Wesseler is known for his research on the economic importance of the bioeconomy. The focus is on taking sustainability into account when evaluating new technologies and government intervention in the market using the theory of real options. Essential contributions are an indicator for measuring the sustainability of the use of transgenic plants (Maximum Incremental Social Tolerable Irreversible Costs, MISTICs), which takes into account uncertainties as well as potential irreversible costs and benefits of the technology and thus an application of the precautionary principle in the assessment and models for the economic evaluation of the coexistence of the cultivation of transgenic and non-transgenic plants.

Activity in international organizations

Justus Wesseler is a member of the International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) and co-editor of AgBioForum. He played a key role in the introduction of the Master's program in Life Science Economics and Policy at the Weihenstephan Science Center at the Technical University of Munich.


  • Beckmann, Volker, Claudio Soregaroli, Justus Wesseler (2006): Co-Existence Rules and Regulations in the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (5): 1193-1199.
  • Beckmann, Volker and Justus Wesseler (2007): Spatial Dimension of Externalities and the Coase Theorem: Implications for Coexistence of Transgenic Crops. In W. Heijman (ed.) Regional Externalities, 215-234. Berlin: Springer.
  • Demont, Matty, Justus Wesseler, Eric Tollens (2004): Biodiversity versus transgenic sugar beets - the one Euro question. European Review of Agricultural Economics 31 (1): 1-18.
  • Wesseler, Justus, Sara Scatasta, Eleonora Nillesen (2007): The Maximum Incremental Social Tolerable Irreversible Costs (MISTICs) and other Benefits and Costs of Introducing Transgenic Maize in the EU-15. Pedobiologia 51 (3): 261-269.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Wageningen UR Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group
  2. Volker Beckmann, Nguyen Huu Dung, Max Spoor, Justus Wesseler, Shi Xiaoping (eds.) (2011): "Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia". Series on Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Shaker-Publisher, Aachen
  3. Meichi Chen, Arjan Ruijs, Justus Wesseler (2005): Solid waste management on small islands: the case of Green Iceland, Taiwan. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 45 (1): 31-47
  4. ^ Matty Demont, Justus Wesseler, Eric Tollens (2004): Biodiversity versus transgenic sugar beets - the one Euro question. European Review of Agricultural Economics 31 (1): 1-18
  5. Enoch Kikulwe, Ekin Birol, Justus Wesseler, José Falck-Zepeda (2011): A Latent Class Approach to Investigating Developing Country Consumers' Demand for Genetically Modified Staple Food Crops: The Case of GM Banana in Uganda. Agricultural Economics. 42: 547-560
  6. Vujadin Kovacevich and Justus Wesseler (2010): Cost - Effectiveness Analysis of Algae Energy Production in the EU. Energy Policy 38 (10): 5749-5757
  7. Timo Kuosmanen, Diemuth Pemsl and Justus Wesseler (2006): Specification and Estimation of Production Functions Involving Damage Control Inputs: A Two-Stage, Semi-Parametric Approach. American Journal of Agricultural Economic 88 (2): 499-511
  8. Valentina Tassone, Justus Wesseler and Francesco S. Nesci (2004): Diverging incentives for afforestation from carbon sequestration - an economic analysis of the EU afforestation program in the south of Italy. Forest Policy and Economics 6 (6): 567-578
  9. Thomas Venus, Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Justus Wesseler (2012). Is the supply of food “without genetic engineering” economically sustainable? Quarterly Journal of Economic Research 81 (4): 93-110
  10. Justus Wesseler and El Hadji Fall (2010): Potential damage costs of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera infestation in Europe - the “no control” scenario. Journal of Applied Entomology 134 (5): 385-394
  11. ^ A b Justus Wesseler, Sara Scatasta, Eleonora Nillesen (2007): The Maximum Incremental Social Tolerable Irreversible Costs (MISTICs) and other Benefits and Costs of Introducing Transgenic Maize in the EU-15. Pedobiologia 51 (3): 261-269
  12. Justus Wesseler (ed.) (2005): Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops. Dordrecht, NL: Springer Press
  13. ^ Richard Just, Julian M. Alston and David Zilberman (2006) The Economics of Biotechnology Regulation. New York: Springer
  14. ^ Matin Qaim, (2009): The Economics of genetically Modified Crops. Annual Review of Resource Economics 1: 3.1-3.29
  15. Volker Beckmann and Justus Wesseler (2007): Spatial Dimension of Externalities and the Coase Theorem: Implications for Coexistence of Transgenic Crops. In W. Heijman (ed.) Regional Externalities, 215-234. Berlin: Springer
  16. Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler (2005): Minimum distance requirements and liability: implications for coexistence. In J. Wesseler (Ed.): Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops, 165-182. Wageningen UR Frontis Series Vol. 7, Springer, Dordrecht
  17. Volker Beckmann, Claudio Soregaroli, Justus Wesseler (2006): Co-Existence Rules and Regulatio1ns in the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (5): 1193-1199
  18. Volkert Beckmann, Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler (2010). Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and Irreversibility: Governing the Coexistence of GM Crops. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, Vol. 4, 2010-9
  19. Rolf Groeneveld, Justus Wesseler, Paul Berentsen (2013): Dominos in the dairy: An analysis of transgenic maize in Dutch dairy farming. Ecological Economics 86 (2): 107-116