Jutta Falke-Ischinger

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Jutta Falke-Ischinger (* 1963 ) is a German publicist and journalist. She is the wife of the diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger .

Study and work

Jutta Falke studied German, English and history. She worked for various media, including Die Welt and Rheinische Merkur , where she was the political editor and head of the capital's office. She also published in Cicero magazine , FAZ and ZEIT. In 2006, Der Spiegel reported that a travelogue in the Washington Post had heated the hearts of Washingtonians. Falke-Ischinger is the founder of the debate platform “Disput / Berlin!”. She is the first chairwoman of the association "Leben Spenden eV", an alliance for organ donations.


Individual evidence

  1. https://www.perlentaucher.de/autor/jutta-falke.html
  2. https://leben-spenden.org/wer-wir-sind/