Kê Gà

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Kê Gà
Kê Gà Lighthouse Phan Thiet - Mui Ne - Vietnam.jpg
Place: Kê Gà island
Location: Bình Thuận , Vietnam
Geographical location: 10 ° 41 '42.5 "  N , 107 ° 59' 29.4"  E Coordinates: 10 ° 41 '42.5 "  N , 107 ° 59' 29.4"  E
Fire carrier height : 41 m
Fire height : 65 m
Kê Gà (Vietnam)
Kê Gà
Identifier : Fl (3 + 1) W.20s
Construction time: 1897-1899
Operating time: since 1899
International ordinal number: F 3116


The Kê Gà lighthouse is the oldest lighthouse on the coast of Vietnam .

The tower, built by the French architect Snavat on behalf of the colonial administration of French Indochina on the highest point of the tiny South Vietnamese island of Kê Gà, was started in 1897 and commissioned in 1899. A plaque with the year 1899 above the main entrance commemorates this event.

The tower stands on a square foundation with an edge length of 20 meters, it was built from yellowish-gray sandstone blocks and has an octagonal floor plan. Inside the tower, an iron spiral staircase with 184 steps leads upwards. The now electrically operated beacon has an output of 2000 watts.

A house built at the same time and a storage shed (or emergency generator house?) Also belong to the building complex, they are located about 60 meters northwest of the tower. The tower is still in operation as a navigation mark, it is often visited by excursion tourists as a lookout tower.


Web links

Commons : Lighthouse Kê Gà  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Martin H. Petrich, Vietnam
  2. Photo: Lighthouse on Kê Gà (Vietnamese: Cột Hải Đăng Kê Gà). In: Panomarino photo collection. Retrieved October 9, 2010 .