Artist legend

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Artist legend is a term that was already used in the 19th century. The art historians Ernst Kris and Otto Kurz systematically analyzed the subject matter in their book Die Legende vom Künstler , published in 1934 . The authors argue that for the biographical presentation of the so-called artist's vitae, it is not so much the real dates and events in the artist's career that are decisive as the widespread stereotypes about artistic genius . As usual set pieces from the workshop of the artist-biographers, the artist is characterized as a “ child prodigy ”, “darling of the gods”, “outsider of society”, who leads a life “between Parnassus and Bohème ”.


  • Ernst Kris, Otto Kurz: The legend of the artist. A historical attempt. Krystall-Verlag, Vienna 1934 (reprints Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1995).
  • Rudolf Wittkower , Margot Wittkower : artist. Outsiders to society . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1965, 2nd edition, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1989 (English original title: Born Under Saturn ).

Individual evidence

  1. For example: Ludwig Wihl : Ludovici Wihl de gravissimis aliquot Phoenicum inscriptionibus commentatio philologico-critica, cui accedit oratio Germanic̀e scripta ... de artium inter Graecos primordiis, explicatione Pheniciae inscriptionis praemissa 1831, p. 72.
  2. Ernst Kris, Otto Kurz: The legend of the artist. A historical attempt . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1995, p. 120.