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KV-Ident is an identification service of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Bavaria, which enables authenticated applications such as online billing to be carried out via the Internet.

The service also gained approval from doctors. Within a short period of time in February 2010, more doctors decided on KV-Ident than the total number of Bavarian doctors registered in KV-Safenet . KV-Bayern received the "European Identity Award" for KV-Ident because it was inexpensive and secure.

Every three years KV-Ident requires a fee of 20 euros for a new KV-Ident card (replacement cards cost 30 euros each). This is transferred to an external service provider. The charging of fees for billing is criticized, as it was previously free of charge and a gate opens for charging fees.


KV-Ident does not require any new hardware or software, i.e. no new card readers either. A plastic KV identification card with a coordinate system ( matrix ) filled with letters and characters is sufficient . It is tied to a specific person and is used in combination with the KVB user ID, so that neither the loss of the laptop, on which the KVB user ID is stored in the browser memory, nor the loss of the card do not pose a security problem both components are required for access. Otherwise any modern browser is required. Therefore any operating system can be used that offers a browser. Billing is possible from anywhere, including at home and in the practice.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.aerztezeitung.de/praxis_wirtschaft/praxis_edv/article/586923/aerzte-rennen-kv-bayerns-online-tuer.html
  2. Online connection: KV Bayerns wins European award for "KV-Ident"