Kabane (Austria)

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Kabanen at the Gänsehäufel lido in Vienna

Kabane is a term used in eastern Austria in the spa industry term that is not with changing cabins may be confused. It is used to describe huts or rooms in summer pools that are rented by bathers for several seasons, and in many cases are accessible outside the opening times of the pool and are also suitable for overnight stays.

Since there is great demand for these cabans, interested parties must expect a waiting period of several years before they are moved up on the waiting list and a cabane becomes free for them.

Cabanas are rented in the thermal baths in Bad Vöslau , in the Strombad Kritzendorf in the city of Klosterneuburg and in the Gänsehäufel and Alte Donau beach baths in Vienna .

The Brockhaus 1911 gave Kabane, a word of French origin, the meanings hut, bathing cart, cabin on small ships, also small French. River vehicle with wooden roof .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Living in the outdoor pool , report from July 14, 2011 on the website of ORF Lower Austria
  2. Up to 20 years waiting time for Kabanen , notification from August 4, 2018 on the ORF-Online website