Cabinet Committee

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A cabinet committee , also called a government committee , is a committee made up of members of a cabinet that advises, plans and coordinates a specific topic that falls within the remit of the participating ministers. Usually a cabinet committee prepares government or chancellor decisions. He can create decision templates for this, but has no decision-making authority of his own. In Germany there are cabinet committees both at federal and state level.

In Germany, cabinet committees of the federal government are neither regulated in the Basic Law nor in the joint rules of procedure of the federal ministries . The first report on the reform of the structure of the federal government and federal administration (1969) names the reason for the establishment of such interdepartmental and problem-oriented bodies to be a “group dynamic ideal size of 7 to 9 ministers”, which the cabinet itself cannot achieve for reasons of coalition policy. Cabinet committees are chaired by the Chancellor, in line with his policy-making authority. Examples of Cabinet committees are the air Cabinet of Cabinet Merkel IV or the Federal Security Council .

A distinction must be made between the cabinet committee and inter-ministerial committees , which are staffed by members of the ministerial bureaucracy and which serve to coordinate the federal ministries involved.

Web links

  • Cabinet Committees. Website at the Federal Archives with the minutes of cabinet committees from the 1950s and 1960s

Individual evidence

  1. Carsten Lenz, Nicole Ruchlak: Small policy lexicon . de Gruyter, 2018, ISBN 978-3-486-80054-8 , p. 106 , Cabinet Committee .
  2. Christian Rittershofer: Lexicon politics, state, society: 3600 current terms from recall to twelve-mile zone . Vahlen, 2007, ISBN 978-3-423-50894-0 , pp. 358 , Cabinet Committee .
  3. ^ Cabinet Committee. In: Accessed February 16, 2020 .
  4. ^ Peter M. Stadler: The parliamentary control of the federal government (=  contributions to social science research . Volume 63 ). Westdeutscher Verlag, 1981, p. 72-75 .
  5. ^ Everhard Holtmann: Political Lexicon . de Gruyter, 2014, ISBN 978-3-486-79886-9 , p. 278 , keyword interministerial committees .