Kadaru (language)

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Spoken in

Nuba Mountains ( Sudan )
speaker 12,360 (2000)
Official status
Official language in nowhere official language
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


Kadaru (also Kadaro , Kadero , Kaderu , Kodoro , Kodhin , Kodhinniai ) is the language of the Kadaru people , who live in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan and are among the peoples known as " Nuba ".

The language is divided into the dialects Kadaru (Kodur), Kururu (Tagle), Kafir (Ka'e), Kurtala (Ngokra), Dabatna (Kaaral) and Kuldaji (Kendal), each of them from different, on the individual hills of the Kadaru -Hill distributed clans are spoken. The sentence order in Kadaru is subject-object-verb (SOV).

See also

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