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Kaga-Kpoungouvou is a granitic island mountain in the central African national park Bamingui-Bangoran , which is about 40 kilometers from Bamingui in the direction of Ndélé between the villages of Dangavo and Bangoran.


The Inselberg is about 50 meters high and about 314 meters in circumference. Several openings are visible on its slopes, the largest of which faces east-south-east. The lush vegetation in its surroundings makes Kaga-Kpoungouvou a preferred haven for animals.

The Kaga-Kpoungouvou caves, together with Ndélé and the Tata Sultan's Palace, have been on the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage status since 2006 .


Numerous ceramic discs were found at one of the cave entrances, suggesting human presence during the time of the East African slave trade .

Historical meaning

The caves of Kaga-Kpoungouvou were places of refuge for the Gbagga , who hid there from the slavers of Sultan Sénoussi and from here organized their resistance. The hiding places were difficult to find because the exits were closed with large stone slabs.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Entry on the website of the UNESCO World Heritage Center on tentative lists (French).