Bamingui-Bangoran National Park

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Bamingui – Bangoran National Park
Bamingui-Bangoran National Park (Central African Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 8 ° 0 ′ 0 ″  N , 19 ° 30 ′ 0 ″  E
Location: Central African Republic
Next city: Ndélé
Surface: 11,191.1 km²
Founding: 1979
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The Bamingui-Bangoran National Park is located in the Bamingui-Bangoran Prefecture in the north of the Central African Republic on the border with Chad . It was founded in 1979 and covers an area of ​​11,191.1 km². The park is surrounded by the 860 km² Vassako-Bolo nature reserve and the biosphere reserves Gribingui-Bamingui with 4,380 km² in the west and Koukourou-Bamingui (also: Kuokuorou-Bamingui reserve ) with 1,100 km² in the south. The 1750 km² Avakaba area in the north also belongs to this ecosystem. The Bamingui river forms the western and southern borders, the Bangoran river the northern border and the road from Kaga-Bandoro to Ndélé the eastern border of the national park . The annual precipitation is 800 to 900 mm. Due to the great variety of climatic conditions, the number of animal and plant species is very high.

Landscape and vegetation

The national park lies on a plain with an altitude of 350 to 450 meters above sea level. Also inselbergs granite are to be found. The north is determined by the vegetation type of the Eastern Sudan savannah, the south by the northern Congo forest savannah. 80% of the national park are forest areas, while 19% are bush and grass savannahs. The dominant tree species are Terminalia laxiflora , Isoberlinia doka and Anogeissus leiocarpus . Narrow gallery forests stretch along the rivers , interspersed with trees from the rainforests to the south . After the rainy season there are also wetlands. In the north of the national park there are grass savannahs with sparse tree growth with trees of the species Mitragyna inermis , Lophira lanceolata and Crossopteryx febrifuga .


A large number of wildlife live within the boundaries of the national park, including lions , leopards , African wild dogs , spotted and striped hyenas, and some species of monkeys. African buffalo are found in large numbers, as well as giant eland , several species of duiker and waterbuck, as well as cow , lyre and horse antelopes . The bongo also lives in the zones of the gallery forests . There are even said to be black rhinos. In 1982 the elephant population was 3,680 individuals, who benefit from the seclusion and suitable food and water resources. In censuses in the 1990s, 374 species of birds were recorded. The national park, together with the adjacent protected areas, has the status of an Important Bird Area .


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