Important Bird Area
Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas ( IBA ) are areas that are identified according to internationally standardized criteria, as they are classified as important for species and biotope protection, especially for birds . The program was launched in the late 1970s by the world umbrella organization for bird protection organizations, BirdLife International , and is a non-governmental nature conservation initiative. The areas are listed by the national member organizations of BirdLife independently of a state designation as a nature reserve and can be used as lists of suggestions for future designation of protected areas or increased protection orders.
IBAs should be small enough to be placed under protection as a whole, but differ from the surrounding landscape in terms of their habitat and ornithological characteristics.
The first list was published in 1981, in 2004 there were around 7,500 IBAs in almost 170 countries around the world, and at the end of 2008 the number was around 10,000. Today there are 12,000 IBAs in more than 200 countries.
Europe is a leader thanks to well-organized nature conservation associations and the extensive scientific database. Around half of all IBAs are in Europe.
In order to be designated as an IBA, an area must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- A1 - Globally critically endangered species
All areas are listed in which a population of bird species is detected or suspected that are designated on the Red List of the World Conservation Organization IUCN as critically endangered, endangered or endangered. In the case of species threatened with extinction or endangered, regular evidence in the area may be sufficient, even if no brood or a longer stay is proven. In the case of endangered species, the classification depends on the evidence of several species, the threshold value is determined regionally.
- A2 - species with a restricted range
Areas are designated as IBAs if they are of particular importance for species with a geographically restricted distribution area. The Endemic Bird Areas (EBA) program was also developed on this basis .
- A3 - Species with restricted habitat requirements
Species that are dependent on certain biotope types within a large distribution area can trigger the classification of those areas that are of particular importance for these species. This is especially true if the type is not covered by the other criteria.
- A4 - pooling of aquatic, marine or migratory birds
In the case of aquatic , marine and migratory birds in particular, some species gather at certain times of the year in a few places of existential importance for these species. Therefore, areas are classified as IBAs in which
- i). Waterfowl: more than 1% of the individuals in a greater region according to the criteria of the Ramsar Convention [on wetlands, especially as a habitat for waterbirds and waders, of international importance]
- ii). Sea birds: more than 1% of the world population
- iii). more than 20,000 individuals of water birds or more than 10,000 pairs of sea birds (each of one or more species accumulated) simultaneously or
- iv). which are passed by over 5000 storks or over 3000 birds of prey or cranes on the bird migration .
- B, C, D criteria
Further criteria are for local features. Some B criteria have been developed for European listings since the 1990s. Due to the special bundling effect of wetlands and fewer bird migration routes in the region, there are now also special B criteria for the Middle East . Regional (B) and national (D) criteria have also been introduced for America. They correspond to the global A criteria in relation to a bioregion or a state.
Importance of the program
Important Bird Areas form an essential basis for the designation of European bird protection areas according to the EEC Bird Protection Directive , which in turn are included in the Natura 2000 program of the European Union . The European Court of Justice and national higher courts have repeatedly assessed the implementation of European nature conservation law according to whether IBAs have been placed under state protection. European nature conservation associations used the existing lists of IBAs vis-à-vis the European Commission as an instrument to exert political pressure on member states that did not want to comply with the obligation to designate protected areas.
The SPAW protocol (Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region) of the UNEP , which most of the states of the Caribbean region - native as well as mother countries of the territories - have signed, calls for cooperation with BirdLife International . In the work plan, the BirdLife programs were named as relevant in matters of protected areas and consideration by the signatory states was required.
"Cooperation with BirdLife International to promote Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in the region and examine linkages between IBAs and existing protected areas: Gap analysis conducted to examine marine IBAs and the existing MPA [ Marine protection area ] network throughout the WCR [ Wider caribbean region ]. Compare existing MPA boundaries with identified IBAs to determine the need for new MPAs or to alter the boundaries of existing MPAs. "
“Working with BirdLife International to Promote Important Bird Areas and Examine Links Between IBAs and Existing Protected Areas: Gap Analysis Between Marine IBAs and Existing Marine Protected Areas in the Caribbean. Comparison of existing borders with designated IBAs in order to determine the need for new protected areas or a change in the boundaries. "
See also
Web links
- BirdLife International: Important Bird Area Program (English)
- Important Bird Area program at the German BirdLife partner Naturschutzbund Deutschland
- Daniel Doehr, Johannes Melter, Christoph Sudfeld: Application of the ornithological criteria for the selection of Important Bird Areas in Germany (PDF with full text)
Individual evidence
- ^ BirdLife International: Global Criteria
- ^ BirdLife International: European IBA
- ^ BirdLife International: Middle East IBA
- ↑ see for example Criteria Overview , > Bird Conservation> Important Bird Areas
- ↑ ECJ, judgment of September 20, 2007 - C-388/05: Commission of the European Union against Italy (with further references)
- ^ Academy of the German Nature Conservation Union: Habitats Directive
↑ a b Workplan and budget for the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) for the 2013–2014 biennium , UNEP (DEPI) / CAR WG.34 / 6, 23 October 2012, point 11 (a) Coordination with relevant programs, donors and organizations to develop synergies and collaboration on issues of common interest as appropriate , p. 2, point 12, p. 3 and 42. ( Conservation of Birds (in collaboration with BirdLife, SCSCB and WHMSI ) (b). , S 11 f (there the quote; pdf p. 8, 9 resp. 17, pdf ,, engl.); Cf. also 12. p. 7 and point 37 (c), p. 18 of the Draft Workplan 2010–2011 ( ,;
SPAW - Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife , - website of the Cartagena program