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As Kambe ( Jap. 神戸 , Kambe , rare Kamube or Sino-Japanese. Jinko ; Amalgation of , kami , altjap. Kamu , Sino-Japanese. Jin and , be , Sino-Japanese. Ko ) were designated in Japan during the Nara - and Heian period that a Shinto shrine as part of the Uji - Kabane system's assigned occupational group ( be ), which provided the shrine for the management of the associated lands and maintenance.

See also


  1. Kōjien : Lexem 神 戸 among others
  2. Otto Refardt: "The Germans in Kobe (Alt-Kobe)", in: Communications of the German Society for Nature and Ethnology of East Asia , Vol. 39, Part A, 1956, p. 17.

Web links

  • Ōzeki Kunio:  "Kanbe" . In: Encyclopedia of Shinto. Kokugaku-in , February 28, 2007 (English)
  • Nishimuta Takao:  "Kanbe" . In: Encyclopedia of Shinto. Kokugaku-in , March 28, 2007 (English)