Comradeship of the Austrian executive

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The Comradeship of the Austrian Executive (KdEÖ) was founded in 1948 as a sub-organization of the “ Austrian Workers' Association ” (ÖAAB). It is a democratic, voluntary membership-based professional association for the executive branch.

Mission and goal

The task and goal of this organization is to protect and promote the professional, social, cultural and health interests of its members and to protect them from political disadvantage.


The organization includes all Austrian executive organizations: Federal Police, City Police, Justice Guard, Security Administration. The KdEÖ is organized throughout, from the representations at the agency level, through district and state groups, to the specialist groups at the federal level and the umbrella organization "Central Committee of the Comradeship of the Executive in Austria".


The introduction of Reich German legislation after the annexation to the German Reich in 1938 had a heavy burden on the account of the Austrian security organs. As a result, when Hitler Germany fell , the executive ended with a huge lack of trust and reputation. But the new police after 1945 were not neutral, but were riddled with fanatical communists who were now also playing their political game. When Franz Honner took over the Federal Ministry of the Interior , the management of the entire security apparatus also fell into his hands. As a "true color" communist, he saw the police primarily as an executive branch of the occupying power and the Communist Party.

Wrestling for the executive

In the election campaign for the polls in November 1945, the struggle for the executive played an important role. "If you want," was a communist electoral slogan, "that our executive branch is completely cleansed and remains cleansed of all reactionaries and fascists, then choose the Communist Party, which has carried out this clean-up to the best of its ability and which will ensure that the police never comes into the hands of the reaction! " The outcome of the National Council elections in 1945 brought the communists a heavy defeat with only 5.5% of the vote. Among other things, they also lost the Ministry of the Interior. From now on, the duo Oskar Helmer - Ferdinand Graf, as Honner's successors, led a tenacious, systematic struggle against the communist infiltration of the executive. Moscow officials, however, backed the Communist members of the security forces at every turn. The communists repeatedly instigated riots, with the police and gendarmerie involved in bloody scuffles.

The foundation of the KdEÖ

Thereupon representatives of the union suggested creating a reservoir from the ranks of the executive against further communist activities. The proposal fell on fertile ground. On June 1, 1948, the "Comradeship of the Executive of Austria" was founded. With the word "comradeship" one wanted to express clearly that this union was far more than the establishment of a political institution; the designation should rather express a human sense of togetherness that would hardly be found in any other professional branch.


After its foundation, the KdEÖ quickly became an Austria-wide movement. The mouthpiece, the specialist newspaper "Die Kameradschaft", contributed significantly to this. In its first issue of November 12, 1948, the then small-format news paper advocated the principle: "In all your official acts you only have to serve Austria, its laws and its government and no one else. In your free time, however, you should have a say, like ours Country how our Second Republic should be built and shaped politically, economically and socially! " This magazine is still today the official organ of the KdEÖ under the title “The Executive” .


Statute of the KdEÖ and article by Dr. Franz Josef Grobauer on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the KdEÖ

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