Campaign for victims of racist police violence

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The Campaign for Victims of Racist Police Violence (KOP) is a political organization that tries to record racist attacks by the police and to support those affected. The campaign is active in Berlin , Bremen and Kiel .


The KOP was founded in 2002 by the counseling center for victims of racist, right-wing and anti-Semitic violence ReachOut and other organizations. She is supposed to expose racist structures in the police and to support victims of police violence . To this end, it informs those affected and witnesses about their options for action and rights. It mediates with advice centers and offers financial support in litigation through its legal aid fund. She also organizes discussion events.

KOP Berlin

With the “Ban! Racial Profiling ”, the KOP Berlin wanted to raise awareness of racial profiling, especially in“ crime-prone locations ”, and asked the Berlin state government to abolish this:

“The special police powers lead to the displacement of Berliners of Color and racist division. We call on the state politicians to withdraw their special powers from the police and to make city politics non-discriminatory. "

- Press release, KOP

The KOP Berlin has been recording cases of racist police violence in Berlin in a chronicle since 2000.


  • Everyday state of emergency: institutional racism in German law enforcement agencies. Published by Münster (edition assemblage) 2016. ISBN 978-3-942885-79-9

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Racial profiling - a structural problem Website of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  2. Police under suspicion of racism taz. June 15, 2018. Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  3. Press release of the Berlin campaign “Ban! Racial Profiling “ ReachOut. June 12, 2018. Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  4. Chronicle