Fight time

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The rise of the NSDAP between 1919 and January 1933 was called the time of struggle during the National Socialist era .

At the time, the time of the struggle was associated with the “memory of difficult and sacrificed years” as a “term firmly anchored in the ideas of the National Socialists”. She often demanded health sacrifices from the old fighters and often brought economic hardship over them. The aim of this “fighting community” was to eradicate the disgrace of the “ dictate of Versailles ” by conquering power internally and externally. The central event of the fighting time was the failed Hitler putsch .

In Austria, on the other hand, the period from the NSDAP's ban on activities in June 1933 to the “ Anschluss ” in 1938 was called the fighting time .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Cornelia Schmitz-Berning: Vocabulary of National Socialism. 2. through u. revised Berlin 2007 edition, ISBN 978-3-11-019549-1 , p. 347.
  2. ^ Meyers Lexikon, 8th edition Leipzig 1936.
  3. a b c Encyclopedia of National Socialism, ed. by Wolfgang Benz et al., Munich 1997, ISBN 3-423-33007-4 , p. 540.