Cannon range

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The cannon range was an Austrian nautical measure of length based on the range of a cannon shot.

In practice, the measure was only used in Austrian ordinances and regulations. A cannon range corresponded to three nautical miles , about 3/4 of the German geographical mile. According to today's standards, the distance is 5.556 kilometers . (Nautical mile at 1.852 kilometers)

In common parlance, 3 nautical miles is understood as the cannon range. The distance of the imaginary boundary line on coasts on the sea side today is close to this distance ( three-mile zone ) worldwide .


  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the exchange and banking and the customs of all countries and trading places. Volume 2, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1251
  • Hugo Franz von Brachelli : North German federal states. Volume 1, Wilhelm Braumüller, Vienna 1856, p. 298