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The term Bādūspān (also: Bādūsbān , Fādūsbān ) referred to a mountain landscape of the Alborz in the northern Iranian province of Māzandarān (formerly: Ṭabarestān ) on the Caspian Sea in the medieval geography of Iran .

Bādūspān was a day's march from the southern, today's capital of the province of Māzandarān, Sarī . Since the region had no cities, there were no Friday mosques either . On the other hand, there were numerous villages in the region. Provincial rulers resided in Ūram Ḵāst and Manṣūra .


  • Eṣṭaḵrī, pp. 205-06 (Qādūsīān).
  • Ebn Ḥawqal, tr. Kramers, pp. 316-18.
  • Yāqūt, I, p. 216.

Individual evidence

  1. BĀDŪSPĀN - entry on Encyclopædia Iranica