Kanva (dynasty)

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From 75 to 30 BC The Kanva dynasty , which ruled from 73 to 26 BC, was a short-lived dynasty that established an empire in northern India after the fall of the Shungas . Their existence is mainly evidenced by brief mentions in the Puranas and by coin finds.


Vasudeva Kanva belonged to the Brahmin caste and was a minister (amatya) at the court of the last Shunga ruler Devabhuti, whose murder he may have arranged. According to the Puranas, Magadha was the capital of the empire, but most of the coins of this dynasty were found around Vidisha . Around the year 30 BC The subjugated since the end of the 3rd century BC. Shatavahanas ruling the last Kanva rulers in southern India .

Ruler list

  • Vasudeva (ruled approx. 75-66 BC)
  • Bhumimitra (ruled approx. 66–52 BC)
  • Narayana (ruled approx. 52–40 BC)
  • Susharman (ruled approx. 40–30 BC)

Other sources give the reigns with a shift of three years, so with 72–63, 63–49, 49–73 and 37–27.


  • Hemchandra Raychaudhuri: Political History of Ancient India. Cosmo Publications, 2006, ISBN 81-307-0291-6 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The History Compendium for IAS Prelims General Studies CSAT Paper 1, UPSC & State PSC. 2nd Edition 2017. Disha Publications, Delhi 2017.