Cape eater

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Cape eater
Cape eater (Promerops cafer)

Cape eater ( Promerops cafer )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
without rank: Passerida
Family : Promeropidae
Genre : Protea birds ( Promerops )
Type : Cape eater
Scientific name
Promerops cafer
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Cape Sugarbird (Promerops cafer) - Flickr - Lip Kee (1) .jpg

The Cape Eater ( Promerops cafer ) is a South African songbird from the Protea bird family.


The 22 to 45 cm long Kaphonigfresser is a slender bird with a long beak, a long tail that is significantly longer in males than females, makes up two thirds of the total length and causes the 23 cm difference in length. The plumage is brown on the back, the belly is white with brown spots, the rump is yellow.


The bird is endemic to the fynbos in the Cape Province of South Africa.


The Cape Eater prey on invertebrates in flight or pecks them from leaves. However, it mainly feeds on nectar, which it collects with its long beak and tongue with a brush-like tip from calyxes, especially those from the sugar bushes ( Protea ). Because of the strong winds in the region, the bird has strong claws to hold on to the flowers.


In the mating season from March to August, sugar bushes also serve as a vantage point for the male, from which he sings and from which rivals indicate his presence in the breeding area. In addition, the plants provide the necessary nesting material. The Cape Eater builds a bowl-shaped nest out of twigs and other plant parts in bushes at a low height. During the courtship ritual, the male flutters around with his tail raised high, clapping his wings and making metallic-sounding tones.


  • Colin Harrison & Alan Greensmith: Birds ("Birds of the world"). New edition Dorling Kindersly, Starnberg 2005, ISBN 3-831-00785-3 .
  • Bryan Richard: Birds. Parragon, Bath 2006, ISBN 1-405-45506-3 .

Web links

Commons : Kaphonigfresser ( Promerops cafer )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files