Kaporn Heath

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Population density of Samland (1902)

The Kaporner Heide was a wooded area in southern Samland .

It was bordered by the Frischen Haff and the Pillauer Bahn . The heath owes its name to the (then) famous grave of four knights of the Teutonic Order west of Königsberg (Prussia) . In the Old Prussian language is "kapurnei" the word for grave. On the lagoon was Caporn, since 1525 an office of the main office in Schaaken .

Metgethen was a popular town in the Kaporner Heide. It was not until 1939 that Königsberg came about.


  • Karl Zibner, Siegfried Hanemann (ed.): Our life on the Frischen Haff in the Kaporner Heide, with articles and reports from members of the home community . Home community Grossheidekrug, Frankfurt am Main 1991

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-441-1