Karl Friedrich Adler

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Karl Friedrich Adler (born September 8, 1828 , † November 8, 1883 in Treuen ) was a German manor owner and conservative politician .

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The son of the manor owner Friedrich Wilhelm Adler took over the manor Treuen lower part from his father. In a by-election on August 3, 1874, he was elected to the second chamber of the Saxon state parliament for the late Karl Theodor Leistner in the 43rd rural constituency . He took up his mandate on October 2, 1874 and was a member of the Chamber for the rest of the Landtag in 1873/74 . In 1883 he again obtained a mandate from the state parliament in the 44th rural electoral district, but died before the state parliament was constituted. In a by-election on November 15, 1883 Wilhelm Zeidler was elected as his successor.


  • Elvira Döscher, Wolfgang Schröder : Saxon parliamentarians 1869–1918. The deputies of the Second Chamber of the Kingdom of Saxony in the mirror of historical photographs. A biographical handbook (= photo documents on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 5). Droste, Düsseldorf 2001, ISBN 3-7700-5236-6 , p. 340.