Karl Krieghoff

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Karl Krieghoff , pseudonym D'r Schwarzvertler (born June 5, 1905 in Sondershausen ; † November 2, 1984 ibid) was a German writer . He earned his living as a dialect poet . His verses are about the life, thoughts and actions of past generations.


Karl Krieghoff lived with his parents in the lower town of Sondershausen. In the so-called "Black Quarter" "he mainly studied people who had a craft trade. He then dedicated his works to them, which earned him great recognition. He knew his native Sondershausen well, which he reproduced very aptly in his poems. Anyone who reads “In Lohkonzerte”, “Our antics”, “Der Schwarzvertler” and “Heimatlieder” will notice their connection to Sondershausen.

Poetry had become an important part of life for Karl Krieghoff, especially after his blindness.

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