As Kartage (v. Althochdt. : Kara = suit, grief, sadness ) is known in the church year those three days of Holy Week , which particularly true considering the suffering and death of Jesus Christ are dedicated. These are Maundy Thursday , Good Friday and Holy Saturday .
The term Kartage is popular. In theology and liturgy it has often been replaced by the designation Triduum Sacrum , Triduum paschale or “Easter Triduum”, although the meanings do not entirely coincide; the Triduum covers the period from the celebration of the Last Supper to Vesper of Easter Sunday .
The Kartage have a special liturgy and are also characterized by special customs , for example in the Catholic Church by prayer at the so-called Holy Sepulcher , which is set up in many parishes. In some places, prayer at the Holy Sepulcher is held as a forty hour prayer.