Kasa no Iratsume

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Kasa no Iratsume ( Japanese 笠 女郎 ) was a Japanese poet of the early 8th century during the Nara period .

She is known for the 29 tanka handed down by her in the anthology of poems Man'yōshū . These are primarily love poems addressed to the poet and compiler of the anthology Ōtomo no Yakamochi . 24 poems, so-called sōmonka , are presented consecutively in the Man'yōshū (587–610), the others are found scattered in the collection (395–397, 1451, 1616); including three allegorical poems ( hiyuka ) and two seasonal poems .

All that is known of her life is what was deduced from the poems. The Man'yōshū noted the name Ojika. There it is also mentioned that they were the daughter of Ki no Kahito and her husband Aki no Ōkimi. However, she is usually only referred to with an emergency name , which means "young woman Kasa". In the poems, Kasa no Iratsume portrays herself as a spurned lover. Her life, or her love story, was reconstructed on the basis of individual statements in the poems, their sequence and the answer poems of Ōtomo no Yakamochi in such a way that she was an older lover Ōtomos, that of him was dropped and then mourned him for the rest of her life as a “waiting woman” ( 待 つ 女 , matsu onna ). The autobiographical interpretation of the texts is problematic, however, since the topos of unrequited love appears more and more in Japanese love poetry of the Tenpyō period (729–749).


  • Hiroaki Sato: Japanese Women Poets . ME Sharpe, New York 2007, ISBN 0-7656-2943-7 , pp. 31-33.

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Individual evidence

  1. 笠 女郎 . Hisashi Mizukai, accessed November 14, 2014 .
  2. Sen'ichi Hisamatsu: Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Literature . 3. Edition. Kodansha International, Tokyo 1982, ISBN 0-87011-253-8 , pp. 24 .
  3. Simone Müller: Longing for Illusion? Classic Japanese dream poetry from a literary historical and gender-specific perspective ( Worlds of East Asia , Volume 2). Peter Lang, Bern 2005, ISBN 3-03910-478-0 , p. 88 f.
  4. Andrea Germer: Grenzzüge ( Japan Studies , Volume 18). Academium, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-89129-379-8 , pp. 259 f.