Catalan donkey

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Catalan donkey

The Catalan donkey is a breed of house donkey found in Catalonia . It is believed to be a very ancient breed. With the decreasing importance of this livestock in agriculture, the populations fell threateningly. Of the 50,000 animals that were once there, around 500 still remain today, around 100 of which are outside Catalonia.

With a shoulder height of up to 1.65 meters and a weight of around half a ton, the Catalan donkey is the largest and heaviest of its kind. In summer it has a short black coat all over its body with the exception of white areas around the mouth, eyes and on the stomach. The winter fur is significantly longer and dark brown. A special feature are the ears, which the animal keeps upright at any age. You never fall aside.

Unofficial national symbol of Catalonia

lili rere
the Catalan donkey in response to ...
... the Osborne bull
White fur around eyes and mouth, erect ears

The Catalan donkey (Catalan: El Burro Català or El Ruc Català ) is an extremely popular, unofficial national symbol of Catalonia, which in its genesis can only be understood as a symbol opposite to the Spanish Osborne bull .

Catalan donkey on slippers

The Osborne bull, created in 1956 by the Spanish Osborne Group for marketing purposes for the Brandy Veterano , developed over time from an advertising figure to a national symbol of Spain. In connection with the Spanish flag, the Osborne bull is often used as a symbol of the Spanish political right. Catalan nationalism and the aforementioned “political charge” of the Osborne bull have led to the spread of its own symbol, the “Catalan donkey”, which is diametrically opposed to the Osborne bull. The spectrum of this symbolic opposition ranges from the ironic reference of one's own donkey symbol to the Spanish bull to the polemical rejection and fight against the striking bull. The “Catalan donkey” is found on stickers, T-shirts, slippers and similar objects.

Catalan donkey on the back of a car

The original design of the stylized donkey was created in 2000 by the graphic designer Eloi Alegre from Sant Cugat del Vallès . A second, slightly modified version of the figure comes from Jaume Sala and Àlex Ferreiro, who in 2004 signed an agreement with Alegre on the use of the symbol. A legal dispute about the authorship of the sign - and thus about the growing proceeds from the marketing of the figure - was decided in 2007 to the effect that Alegre on the one hand and Sala / Ferreiro on the other hand can freely market their respective versions of the donkey, claims for damages by both parties were not recognized.

Similar symbols emerged in other provinces of the Spanish state with their own distinct national character, such as the Basque Country with its "Basque sheep" and Galicia with its "Galician cow".

Bed warmer

A burro (bed preheater)

In Catalonia, a special bed preheater is called El Burro ("the donkey"), or El Ruc (also "the donkey"). This bed warmer consists of a sledge-shaped wooden frame which, together with a metal plate - filled with fireplace embers - is placed under the duvet to preheat the bed. The actual wooden burro prevents the embers from coming into contact with the bed. Such a bed preheating technique is still in use today in Catalan farmhouses. Functionally, such a “burro” is similar to the coal-filled bedpan that was used in Germany and was placed under the covers before going to bed .


  1. Catalonia has an ancient tradition of breeding donkeys. The donkey is considered an intelligent animal here.
  2. Source: Avui , February 13, 2007, p. 28

Web links

Wiktionary: burro  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: ruc  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations
Commons : Catalan donkey  - collection of images