Catholic Church of the Mariavites

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The Catholic Church of the Mariavites (to be distinguished from the Old Catholic Church of the Mariavites ) is a church in the Republic of Poland that is independent of the Roman Catholic Church .


After the schism in 1935, the General Minister of the Order of the Mariavites and first Bishop of the Old Catholic Church of the Mariavites , Jan Maria Michał Kowalski , founded the Catholic Church of the Mariavites in Felicjanów , which had 2800 members, and where the founder of the order had acquired a monastery.

Until his arrest and murder, he consecrated Maria Marc Fatôme in Felicjanów as bishop of the foreign jurisdiction and at least five women as bishops .

Jan Kowalski was selected as unable to work in the Dachau concentration camp and taken to the Hartheim Castle euthanasia and killing center near Linz on May 18, 1942 with 100 other prisoners . He was gassed and cremated there that same day. The urn with the ashes was transported by Paulus Norbert Maas to Płock in the 1960s and buried there in the crypt.

But not only in Felicjanów were ordinations of priests held after 1935, which can be inferred from a letter from Bishop Rafael to Bishop Maas from the foreign jurisdiction of April 2, 1957:

"As far as the priests of Plock are concerned, they are in an even worse position because they have few young priests and the priestesses do not save them because they have robbed them of their dignity."

- Felicjanów Archives

The well-known German-language literature says nothing about this procedure. Nine women were ordained between 1929 and June 1931.


The Catholic Church of the Mariavites has 2195 members in 22 parishes with 13 predominantly female priests. The church is headed by Bishop Maria Beatrycze Szulgowicz .

Head of the Catholic Church of the Mariavites

Web links

Commons : Catholic Church of the Mariavites  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Felicjanow archive: Macierzysty Klasztor Mariawitów w, Felicjanowie ; pocz. Bodzanów k / Płock Polska, file number R / 88. / 57
  2. Statistical Yearbook 2008: Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2008 ( Memento of October 31, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (pdf; page 132; 11.0 MB)