Kazaa Lite variants

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Kazaa Lite variants are unofficial versions of the file sharing program Kazaa , in which annoying advertisements and software from other providers ( malware ) have been removed.


  • Clean KMD
    Probably the first variant, it removed ads / malware.
  • Kazaa Lite K ++
    This variant also offered the options of Kazaa Plus. Furthermore, a product with this name almost always has its own K-Lite options and additional tools.
  • Kazaa Lite
    After the integration of the K ++ options had become a matter of course, this was no longer indicated in the name; the products were only called "Kazaa Lite" or "K-Lite". One can also assume that K ++ and Clean KMD merged.
  • Kazaa Lite Resurrection
    This version builds on the old Kazaa kernel, but wants to keep the program alive by adjusting the variation in tools and settings.
  • Kazaa Lite Tools K ++
    This variant, also abbreviated to "KLT K ++", allows the user to adapt the tool collection. The “Search More” function works very efficiently, so that you can quickly find good files with many users. Unfortunately it does not have a fake filter.
  • K-Lite 2.7
    K-Lite is a relatively new Kazaa Lite variant and, in contrast to Kazaa Lite Resurrection, is based on the newer 2.7 core. It is an add-on program that is installed with Kazaa Media Desktop KMD and adds additional functions to it, but does not install spyware and advertising from the original KMD.

Changes to the original

Kazaa displays a permanent banner ad and opens pop-up windows when searching. It also refuses to start without the malware. Both have been changed.

In addition, further options from the paid version have been added, as well as specially created options.

When searching, instead of two “Search More”, you not only have infinite, but also an automated timer that z. B. searches more every few seconds for two minutes.

Additional tools have also been added. Some fall back on Kazaa, so that one can view and import / export supernodes or also view temporary files (.dat). Furthermore, programs for previewing media are built in, as well as protection programs against fakes and anti-P2P companies. A Sig2Dat importer and generator completes the collection. Some derivatives have a different collection, Kazaa Lite Tools K ++ also offers customization to user-specific needs.

In addition, the so-called participation level is set to the maximum, so that you always have an advantage over normal clients in the network (queues). This usually requires GBytes of upload.


Kazaa's original application file is not changed, but is hacked and tricked during runtime. Otherwise Kazaa would not run without spyware like GAIN and z. B. also display a banner ad.

While the programs initially work as desired, hacking during runtime can be very disruptive over time. Occasionally it can happen that the structure changes in a flash during the runtime or that buttons / markings do not work correctly.


After Nikklas Zenström sold Kazaa to Sharman, the manufacturer wanted to make a profit with the program.

  • A program dubbed Kazaa Plus was / is selling for US $ 30. (Today from Seroph holdings BV - as of 2.2006)
  • The free version was / will be restricted (source usage, “search more”, options). In addition, advertising was built in and a lot of malware was also installed.

Because of this, hackers modified the client to run without Sharman's built-in malware and also caused official clients to be exploited (participation level hack).

The manufacturer then warned the providers and even blocked all old Kazaa versions. This didn't help, however, as the community created derivatives for new versions as well.

Individual evidence

  1. German K-Lite Version 2.6 (Netzwelt.de)
  2. KLiteTools.com