Conical ball handle

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The ball handle is an obstetric technique that was developed by the German gynecologist Wilhelm Liepmann (1878–1939). With this handle , an attempt is made to manually correct the head position in the case of a high straight position , an adjustment anomaly .

For this, the woman giving birth needs epidural anesthesia and is positioned in lithotomy position. The obstetrician goes into the vagina of the woman giving birth with his whole hand. The child's head is grasped with the whole hand, pushed up a little and turned to the left or right in the oblique or transverse diameter. You turn where it goes easiest. If this is successful, a second person tries to push their head into the pelvis from outside.

The execution is carried out exclusively by an experienced medical obstetrician and is very controversial due to the high risk.


  • U. Harder "High straightness of the head" in The Midwife 4-2008
  • Mändle, Opitz, Kreuter "The midwifery textbook of practical obstetrics" ISBN 3-7945-1765-2