Kel Ifoghas

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The Kel Ifoghas , also known as Kel Adagh ( var.Kel Adrar, Kel Adghagh ), are a confederation of Tuareg clans living in the Adrar des Ifoghas region, a 250,000 square kilometer mountain range in the Sahara , Mali .

The name is derived from Kel (the von / von) and Adagh (= mountains). Today not all Tuareg of this confederation live in Adrar des Iforas. Quite a few Tuareg of this confederation are distributed in the north of Niger , in regions of the Aïr as well as in southern Algeria with the Tassili n'Ajjer and the Ahaggar .

The Kel Ifoghas derive conceptually from warriors who came from the caste of the Imajars ( aristocrats ) or the Imajars (soldiers). The Kel Ifoghas include the Kel Afella in the north, the Kel Taghlit , the Kel Essouk , the Kel Ouzzeyn , the Ifergoumessen and the Kel Iriyaks . The Taghat Mellet , the Idnan and Ibatanaten are also worth mentioning .

In early 2012, Tuareg fighters from the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) took over several cities in northern Mali, triggering a coup in Mali. During the subsequent Serval operation , Human Rights Watch reported on killings and human rights violations of Tuareg by the Malian army in the city of Niono. By the end of January 2013, the Islamist groups from all major cities in the region had been pushed back.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Fearsome Tuareg Uprising in Mali: Less Monolithic than Meets the Eye
  2. Human Rights Watch: Mali's Army Killing Civilians In Town Of Niono . The Huffington Post. 19 January 2013
  3. ^ Entry into the civil war: French troops fight in Mali
  4. Militant Islamists in Mali, Algeria, Mauritania and Niger (SPON, January 17, 2013)