Kenya African Democratic Union

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Eldoret Branch

The Kenya African Democratic Union (abbreviation KADU , German  Kenya African Democratic Union ) was a political party in Kenya .

It was founded in 1960 as an alternative to Jomo Kenyatta's Kenya African National Union (KANU). Party leader was Ronald Ngala . KADU's aim was to defend the interests of the so-called KAMATUSA (an acronym for the Kalenjin , Maasai , Turkana and Samburu ethnic groups ) against the dominance of the Luo and Kikuyu ethnic groups , who made up the majority of KANU's membership.

The KADU lost the parliamentary elections in Kenya in 1963 . In 1964, the party dissolved on the former competitor KANU. Daniel arap Moi , the former president of Kenya who ruled the country for 24 years, was the chairman of KANU.

Individual evidence

  1. Joshia Osamba: The dynamics of ethnopolitical conflict and violence in the Rift valley province of Kenya . In: Nationalism and Ethnic Politics . 7, No. 4, 2001, pp. 87-112.