Kerttu Rakke

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Kerttu Rakke, 2010

Kerttu Rakke (born September 16, 1970 in Võru ) is a contemporary Estonian writer.

Kerttu Rakke (real name Kadi Kuus ) studied Estonian philology at the University of Tartu and semiotics at the Estonian Humanitarian Institute in Tallinn . She has a son.

In her realism-oriented novels she describes the modern life of young and independent Estonian women. The style is direct, sometimes vulgar and adapted to the youth language. The heroines are mostly self-confident, haughty, arrogant, ruthless and superior to men.

Kerttu Rakke is one of the most outstanding and successful voices of a capitalist feminism in Eastern Europe. The literary value of their work is not undisputed. Her personal life is identified with her books, making her a popular object of the tabloids. Selected works by Kerttu Rakke have been translated into Finnish and French .


  • Let's go (1989)
  • Kalevipoeg (2000)
  • Seitse päeva (2000)
  • Mitu juttu (2001)
  • Kolmas printsess (2001)
  • Iluasjake (2002)
  • Susanna yes mina (2002)
  • Kordustrükk (2003)
  • Kodu keset linna (screenplay for the television series, a total of 402 episodes, 2003-2006)
  • Küpsiseparadiis ehk kaksteist kuud (2007)

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