Sheki Khan's Palace

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Old town of Sheki with Khan Palace
UNESCO world heritage UNESCO World Heritage Emblem

Şəki xan sarayı.jpg
Exterior view
National territory: AzerbaijanAzerbaijan Azerbaijan
Type: Culture
Criteria : (ii) (v)
Reference No .: 1549
UNESCO region : Asia and Pacific
History of enrollment
Enrollment: 2019  ( session 43 )

The Sheki Khan Palace is the former summer residence of the Sheki Khan . It is located in the citadel of the city of Sheki , surrounded by castle walls. The building was erected in the 18th century in the Persian style and, along with the historical part of the city, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2019 .


The palace of the Khans of Sheki used to have other wings. The summer palace is the only one that has survived. It was built in 1797 by order of Khan Muhammed Hassan. In the first half of the 19th century the palace fell into disrepair. The other parts of the complex did not survive this time.

From around 1850, the governor of the Caucasus, Prince Michail Semjonowitsch Voronzow , had the summer palace renovated. First the ground floor, later also the upper floor. At that time the archive of the administrative district was housed in this.

Building description

The two-story building has three halls and two vestibules on each floor. The rooms for official occasions were on the ground floor, above the private rooms. Therefore the floors are not directly connected to each other. The main facade facing the city reflects the internal structure in the arrangement of the rows of windows and arched niches. The decoration consists of painted pilaster strips and colored glass plates.

The interiors are decorated with paintings, carvings and inlays depicting geometric patterns, plant motifs and figural scenes. The oldest decorations date from the 18th century, including the painting on the ceiling of the upper floor by Abas-Kuli. Possibly he was also the architect of the palace. Mirsa-Jafar from Schemacha created the paintings on the ground floor in 1895/96, Usta Gambar from Schuscha in 1902 those on the upper floor. The artists Ali Kuli and Kurban Ali from Schemacha also contributed to the furnishing of the upper floor.

The upper floor has two balconies, which are covered by arched ceilings like niches. There is a pool in front of the castle facing the garden, to the right and left of it two large trees directly in front of the building.

Web links

Commons : Sheki Khan's Palace  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Ilona Turánsky, Károly Gink: Azerbaijan - palaces, towers, mosques . Corvina, Budapest 1980, p. 61–63 (German by Tilda and Paul Alpári).
  2. ^ Historic Center of Sheki with the Khan's Palace. UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed July 8, 2019 .
  3. a b c Dr. Clemens Friedrich Meyer (ed.), Nikolai Bersenow: Sketches from Caucasus: Nuxa . St. Petersburg, 1854. in Belletristische Blätter aus Russland , T. 2. P. 283 f.

Coordinates: 41 ° 12 ′ 15 "  N , 47 ° 11 ′ 54"  E