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The KillaJoule is currently the fastest and most specifically for speed records designed electric motorcycle .

In 2014, 2015 and 2017 various speed records were set with the KillaJoule at the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed ​​Trials . With a top speed of 410.579 km / h, Eva Håkansson has held a speed record since 2017 as the world's fastest woman on this electric motorcycle, which is mainly made of fiberglass-reinforced plastic and is adapted to the rider.

The owner and driver is Eva Håkansson, who designed the KillaJoule together with her husband Bill Dubé. The development and construction costs were about 150,000 US dollars .

Technical specifications

  • Mass: 700 kg
  • Power:> 400 PS
  • Battery: lithium nano-phosphate
  • Motor: EVO Electric AFM-240
  • Length: 5.6 m
  • highest top speed 410.579 km / h

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