Children's knife

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A children's knife is a mostly fixed knife (rigid connection between the handle and the blade), which is similar to a sheath knife or a forest knife , but its size is designed for the hands of children. What is essential is a rounded, blunt blade tip to avoid stab injuries and a moderate sharpness that affects only part of the blade length. With such a knife, the child should be given the feeling of belonging to the "adults" and to take responsibility for the use of a "dangerous" object. A pedagogical value is assigned to the children's knife for the use of simple carving work , because it promotes fine motor skills and enables the experience of creating something.

With some peoples (e.g. the Sami ) it is customary to give children from a certain age a fully usable knife, which was measured for children's hands, as a sign of "growing up". This can be combined with a ritual .