Fertility Center

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A fertility center (also: fertility clinic ) describes a medical facility that is specifically dedicated to the reproductive medical diagnosis and treatment of people with an unfulfilled desire to have children . There are around 150 fertility centers in Germany.

Treatments in fertility centers

The classic treatment methods of fertility centers include:

The legal framework for possible treatments is regulated in the Embryo Protection Act.

Success rates

Only a few fertility centers give the success rates of the treatments they have carried out. Success rates and other data from reproductive medicine are aggregated for the approximately 150 fertility centers in Germany and collected and evaluated by the German IVF Register eV in Düsseldorf. The IVF register publishes current findings, trends and analyzes in a yearbook.

According to the 2016 yearbook, embryo transfer occurs in 90% of treatments per IVF or ICSI cycle, and pregnancy in 33% of cases. The so-called Baby Take Home Rate (= success rate for fertility treatments with artificial insemination) is 23.4% per transfer and 19.9% ​​per treatment for IVF, and 19.1% per transfer and treatment for ICSI.

When choosing a fertility clinic, in addition to transparent success rates, continuous care by the doctor and the costs to be borne by the patient play an important role.

Cost of fertility treatment

The statutory health insurance takes over i. d. Usually only part of the cost. Not all treatment methods are reimbursed and the reimbursement is tied to certain conditions.

For married couples with involuntary childlessness, 50 percent of the cost will be total

  • eight cycles of insemination without prior hormonal stimulation,
  • three cycles of insemination with hormonal stimulation and
  • three cycles of IVF treatment or three cycles of ICSI treatment


The therapies can be used one after the other if the previous treatment was unsuccessful.

The rules for the assumption of costs by private health insurance companies vary widely.

An IVF or ICSI costs around 3,000 euros per cycle, medication and additional services must i. d. Usually be taken over by yourself.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fertility centers in Germany. Retrieved October 16, 2019 .
  2. German IVF Register. Retrieved October 16, 2019 .
  3. Transparency is important for patients. Retrieved October 16, 2019 .
  4. Artificial insemination: who pays the costs? Retrieved October 16, 2019 .