Kiss-of-death package

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Kiss-of-death packet (abbreviated: KoD ) is a term from computer science and there specifically from the field of IPC . With the KoD, the server expresslyinformsthe client that the service is being refused and that further communication attempts are currently pointless. The client will then not use this server for a certain period of time. A KoD can be usedfor load balancing . As an alternative to KoD, the server could ignore certain requests in the event of overload or if access was restricted, but this could cause the client to make more requests.

KoD packets are used, for example, with NTP : Here the server sends a response with an invalid stratum value (namely: 0).

Individual evidence

  1. Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 for IPv4, IPv6 and OSI . IETF . January 2006. Retrieved August 8, 2012.