Klaus Krüger (historian)

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Klaus Krüger (* 1960 in Lübeck ) is a German historian.

Krüger studied history, German literature and prehistory and early history at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel with the completion of the first state examination for the higher teaching post. He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute for State Research in Kiel and received his doctorate in 1994 from Werner Paravicini with a dissertation on the existence of medieval tombs in Schleswig-Holstein. After that he was assistant to Helmut G. Walther at the chair for medieval history at the University of Jena until 2001 and qualified as a professor in 2001 (Habilitation thesis: Between Herren und Hanse. Studies on the alliance policy of the cities in the Mark Brandenburg in the 14th and 15th centuries ). He then worked as an assistant at the Chair for Saxon State History in Leipzig and became head of the Department of Historical Auxiliary Science in 2002 and an adjunct professor at the University of Halle in 2009.

It deals with the history of the Hanseatic League, the history of the Mark Brandenburg, the Baltic Sea region, Scandinavia and Flanders, with social and mentality history, group formation in medieval society, realism and inscription, in particular the evaluation of the representation on grave monuments. For example, he was involved in the publication of the tax lists of the Hanseatic merchants in Bruges in the 14th century (general editor Werner Paravicini).

Krüger is a member of the Historical Commission for Saxony-Anhalt .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Ernst Lau: I am a guest on earth. Grave slabs in Mecklenburg churches. Catalog for the exhibition Schwerin / Rostock 1995, Hamburg 1995.
  • Corpus of medieval grave monuments in Lübeck, Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg (1100-1600) (Kieler Historische Studien 40), Stuttgart 1999.
  • Church, monastery, hospital. On the medieval sacral topography of Halle (research on the history of the city of Halle 12), Halle (Saale) 2008.
  • with Birte Krüger: Me, Hans von Waltheym. Report on a pilgrimage from Halle to Provence in 1474 (research on the history of the city of Halle 21), Halle (Saale) 2014.
  • with Holger Kunde: Lines between earth and sky. Abrasion from European grave slabs from the 13th to 17th centuries . Catalog for the exhibition Naumburg 2015 (series of publications by the United Cathedral Founders of Merseburg and Naumburg and the Collegiate Foundation Zeitz 8), Petersberg 2015.

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