Klaus Schriewer

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Klaus Schriewer (* 1961 ) is a German social anthropologist .


From 1983 to 1991 he studied European ethnology as a major and art history and philosophy as minor subjects at the Philipps University of Marburg (1991 Magister Artium, 1995 doctorate ) and Københavns Universitet . After completing his habilitation in 2002 at the University of Hamburg , he has been Professor (titular interino, ayudante doctor, contratado doctor, profesor titular) for Antropología Social at the Universidad de Murcia since 2007 .

His main research interests are the relationship between man and nature (using the example of the cultural significance of the forest and the landscape), the relationship between state and culture (including the European Union), economic anthropology and cultures of the world of work (based on the debate about production methods and ways of life), and cemetery culture and the cultural-scientific consciousness analysis, which aims for an updated narrative research.

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