Small vehicle

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According to the German Inland Shipping Road Regulations (BinSchStrO), a watercraft is considered a small vehicle if its hull is less than 20 m long without rudder and bowsprit ( § 1.01 number 14 BinSchStrO ). The BinSchStrO also regulates in the same paragraph, however, that there are vehicles that may be shorter than 20 m, but are legally not small vehicles due to their nature, such as passenger ships that are approved for at least 12 people, ferries or floating devices . The distinction between small vehicles and vehicles - these are watercraft that are not small vehicles - is of practical relevance, especially because small vehicles have to avoid vehicles on a collision course ( § 6.02 number 1 BinSchStrO ).

Legal sources for labeling

  • Ordinance on the marking of small vehicles traveling on inland waterways (KIFzKV-BinSch) of February 21, 1995 ( BGBl. I p. 226 )
  • § 2_02 BinSchStrO